SQL Syllabus
SQL is the backbone of data analytics and business intelligence. This course will take you from basic data retrieval to advanced analytics, complex queries, and real-world business applications. Learn to manipulate and analyze large datasets efficiently and gain insights that drive decision-making.
- Import Dataset in MySQL
- Retrieve Data-Text Query (SELECT, WHERE, DISTINCT, LIKE)
- Summary Analytics (MIN, MAX, AVG, GROUP BY)
- Exercise – Summary Analytics (MIN, MAX, AVG, GROUP BY)
- HAVING Clause
- Calculated Columns (IF, CASE, YEAR, CURYEAR)
- Exercise – Calculated Columns (IF, CASE, YEAR, CURYEAR)
- The Data God’s Blessing
- Why do We Need Multiple Tables?
- Exercise – SQL Joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL)
- Cross Join
- Analytics on Tables
- Join More Than Two Tables
- Exercise – Join More Than Two Tables
- Subqueries
- ANY, ALL Operators
- Co-Related Subquery
- Common Table Expression (CTE)
- CTE Benefits & Other Applications
- Exercise: CTE
- Database Normalization and Data Integrity
- Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- Data Types: Numeric (INT, DECIMAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE)
- Data Types: String (VARCHAR, CHAR, ENUM)
- Data Types: JSON, Spatial (JSON, GEOMETRY)
- Primary key
- Foreign Key
- Database From an Entity Relationship Diagram – ERD
- Import Data From a CSV File Into a Database
- Insert Statement
- Update and Delete
- The Intermission Scene
- Gross Sales Report
- User-Defined SQL Functions
- Gross Sales Report: Monthly Product Transactions
- Gross Sales Report: Total Sales Amount
- Exercise: Yearly Sales Report
- Stored Procedures: Monthly Gross Sales Report
- Stored Procedure: Market Badge
- Benefits of Stored Procedures
- Problem Statement and Pre-Invoice Discount Report
- Performance Improvement – 1
- Performance Improvement – 2
- Database Views
- Post Invoice Discount, Net Sales
- Top Markets and Customers
- Exercise: Top Products
- The Two Most Important Skills for the Data Analyst
- Window Functions: OVER Clause
- Window Functions: Using it in a Task
- Exercise: Window Functions: OVER Clause
- Window Functions: ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK
- 5 Ways SQL is Used in the Industry
- Supply Chain Basics: Simplified
- Create a Helper Table
- Database Triggers
- Database Events
- Temporary Tables & Forecast Accuracy Report
- Exercise: CTE, Temporary Tables
- Subquery vs CTE vs Views vs Temporary Table
- User Accounts and Privileges
- Database Indexes: Overview
- Database Indexes: Composite Index
- Database Indexes: Index Types
- Relational vs No-SQL Database
- Profit & Loss Statement
- ETL, Data Warehouse, OLAP vs OLTP, Data Catalog
- Fact vs Dimension Table, Star vs Snowflake Schema
- Simplified: What is Kanban?
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What You’ll Learn
- Retrieve, filter, and aggregate data with SQL queries
- Perform joins and complex queries across multiple tables
- Understand database design, normalization, and relationships
- Optimize performance with indexing and stored procedures
- Use window functions for advanced analytics
- Solve real-world business problems in finance and supply chain