Projects Support

Projects Support
Projects Support Syllabus
This course takes you from SQL fundamentals to advanced data analytics and database management. You’ll learn how to retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data efficiently, work with multiple tables, optimize queries, and apply SQL to real-world finance and supply chain analytics.
- Add Your Excel Project to GitHub
- Share Your Excel Project with Potential Recruiters
- Get a Shareable Public Link For Your Power BI Project
- Share Your Power BI Project with Potential Recruiters
- Differentiate Your Work with New Design
- How to differentiate your work – Expert Webinar
- One More Power BI Project for Your Portfolio
- Check Your Work With this Guided Project
- Share Your SQL Project with Potential Recruiters
- One More SQL Project For Your Portfolio
- Generate Insights to Solve a Supply Chain Issue
- Provide Insights to the Product Strategy Team
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What You’ll Learn
- Joins, subqueries, and complex queries for deeper insights
- Database creation, normalization, and data integrity
- Finance analytics: Gross sales, market performance reports
- Supply chain analytics, database indexing, and optimization
- Hands-on projects in finance, sales, and supply chain